Who We Are

At Ascendant Integrated Solutions, we offer a range of high-quality consulting services tailored to your career and business needs. Our expert guidance and personalized coaching empower you to excel in your chosen field and successfully expand your business in new markets.

Beyond our consulting services, Ascendant Digital Downloads is your one-stop shop for all your digital download needs. Embracing the future of media consumption, we provide a diverse collection of ebooks, cheat sheets, media, courses, templates, and more at a fraction of the cost of physical media. Enjoy greater convenience, affordability, and environmental friendliness while relishing your favorite content without worrying about storage space or clutter.

We are committed to excellence and customer satisfaction. Our downloads are always DRM-free, ensuring compatibility with any device you prefer, and we offer a satisfaction guarantee, ensuring that your investment in our digital content is worthwhile.

At Ascendant, we are dedicated to supporting your journey towards success, providing you with the tools and expertise to thrive in today's dynamic world. Whether you seek knowledge through our digital downloads or require strategic consulting solutions, we are here to help you achieve your aspirations and unlock your full potential. Welcome to a future of limitless possibilities with Ascendant Integrated Solutions.

Our Story.

As a career nomad, I've traveled the world and worked as a military trainer in over 30 countries for nearly two decades, gaining firsthand experience of the challenges and opportunities of living and working abroad. Recognizing the need for specialized support for American global expatriate professionals in new markets, I founded Ascendant Integrated Solutions with a passion to cater to individuals like meā€”those venturing into uncharted territories without prior knowledge of the systems, people, markets, or necessary support to thrive.

Our mission at Ascendant is to create a business model that meets the needs of both seasoned travelers and professionals seeking a competitive edge in new markets. Whether you move abroad on a whim or strategically seek opportunities, we empower you with personalized coaching, market integration strategies, technical solutions, and comprehensive leadership development programs.

At Ascendant, we understand the significance of unlocking your full potential, and we are dedicated to guiding you every step of the way. Our goal is to be your reliable partner on the journey towards success, helping you build a strong foundation and navigate the challenges of new environments.

Join us at Ascendant Integrated Solutions, and together, we'll conquer new horizons, turning uncertainties into opportunities, and creating remarkable achievements in your career and business endeavors.

Welcome to a world of limitless possibilities!

Our Core Services

  • AIS provides comprehensive project and program management services to ensure successful completion of projects on time and within budget.

  • Our acquisition solutions enable clients to acquire the necessary goods and services to support their missions efficiently and effectively.

  • AIS offers logistics solutions that include transportation, supply chain management, and distribution services to support clients' operational needs.

  • We provide clients with technical services that include: teaching, translation, interpretation, information technology, and other specialized support services.

  • Seoul is a vibrant and exciting city with a rich culture and history. It is also a popular destination for events of all sizes, from small corporate meetings to large-scale festivals. If you are planning an event in Seoul, there are a number of things you need to consider, such as the type of event, the date and time, the location, and the budget.

  • We offer a variety of digital downloads, including ebooks, audiobooks, and software. Our digital downloads are available for purchase on our website and can be downloaded instantly.

  • We offer a variety of consulting services, including business consulting, marketing consulting, and financial consulting. Our consultants have years of experience in their respective fields and can help you achieve your business goals.